Internet Banking Service

Your bank at your hand

QNB Internet Banking Service reflects an understanding of your busy lifestyle by offering you an easy, secure, fast tool of accessing your accounts and executing different banking transactions without any delays or branch queues as you can use it from the comfort of your home, your office or anywhere else around the World. 

Main features: 

Quick Accessibility:

This service allows you to easily and instantly view:


  • Accounts and credit cards balances and movements
  • Time Deposits, Certificates of Deposits, loans and Investment funds balances and information
  • Accounts and credit cards e-statements and print them
  • Collected cheques history
  • Interest rates as well as exchange rates
  • Your contact information registered at the bank



This service helps you to easily control:


  • Set/ Reset/ Unblock Card Pin.
  • Issuing Time Deposits and Certificates of Deposits
  • Open additional account (Current Account, Tawfeer plus, checking account) in any currency
  • Open the E-Youmaty Tawfeer saving account in EGP for free (the account is opened through the Internet Banking service only) and enjoy the option of setting a target account balance to reach
  • Apply for a secured loan
  • Apply for a secured credit card
  • Requesting chequebooks
  • Apply for a supplementary credit card
  • Apply for a prepaid card or Wristband
  • Settling your credit card dues immediately
  • Install your credit card purchases with our installment programs
  • Request to Redeem your loyalty points on your credit card 
  • Charging your shopping internet prepaid card
  • Activating or de-activating any type of cards
  • Present a Credit Card and Account Dispute request.
  • Adding transfers beneficiaries with the possibility of deleting or modifying them at any time
  • Executing instant transfers between your accounts or to beneficiaries inside the bank or using IPN transfer type for beneficiary in Egypt in EGP
  • Performing transfers to beneficiaries in other banks, nationally or worldwide
  • Create automatic transfer requests to transfer to other accounts inside or outside QNB
  • Request various banking services easily, such as: Travel note for card usage, credit card PIN Reissue, Credit Card Replacement, Cash loan clearance letter and more through your customer service tab
  • Subscribe for any type of investment funds





This service enables you to communicate instantly with the bank to:


  • Apply for a bank product and inquire about it or submit a complaint and a bank representative will get back to you
  • Recommend a Friend to become a client at the bank
  • Follow up on the execution of your requests that were submitted through this service
  • Update personal contacts details



Safe and easy:

This service allows you to:


  • Self-register your username and password by using your :

1.National ID and Customer ID

2.Passport No and Customer ID


  • Process certain banking transactions safely by using the activation code that is valid to be used once and which is received on your registered mobile number at the bank or that is issued by the “Token” device
  • Assign and activate your m-token by yourself with ease


Important links for your help:


Terms and conditions apply

To apply, e-mail us on Retail.apply@qnb.com.eg and a bank representative will contact you shortly

For more information, please call 19700 or visit nearest branch

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